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Learning Commons

Library Services at NWP will be changing this spring

Visit our information page about this exciting change!


PaperCut lets you check your balance or add more funds to your account.

Zoom Rooms

Book GP Zoom Rooms for up to 2 hours at a time (main and upper floors). Please note:

  • an NWP email address is required to book the rooms.
  • rooms are available for single user and group use.
  • rooms are NOT soundproof - please keep volume at a respectful level.
  • bookings are strongly encouraged, but drop-in access is permitted.
    • bookings MAY be cancelled if patrons are more than 5 minutes late for their designated start time and others request the room.

Borrowing Materials

Your Student ID (Learning Commons User ID = Barcode number) is needed to identify yourself in order to borrow materials. Your PIN is the last four digits of the barcode. You can check your account and renew materials through My Account using your barcode and PIN.

Borrowing Periods:

Item Loan Period Renewals Late fees
Books (NWP) 3 weeks 4 n/a
Books (NEOS) 2 weeks 4 n/a
DVDs 1 week 4 n/a
Curriculum items 1 week 4 n/a
Laptops 1 week 0 $6.00/day
Cameras 3 days 4 $6.00/day
Other reserve items varies, check at service desk $1.00/hour









Faculty and staff are also welcome to borrow our materials under these same guidelines with the exception of TERM LOANS for books from the NWP collection.

Late Fees: Late fees are charged only on laptops, cameras and other reserve items. (Please be aware that your account will show if your borrowed items are overdue, and the corresponding late fees, but these fees will be waived when the items are returned to the Learning Commons.)

Lost Item Fees / Financial Hold: Books and other items need to be returned or renewed by the start of exams in each semester to avoid being charged for them ($150.00 per item in most cases). In case outstanding items are not returned or renewed by the end of the semester, users will be placed on Financial Hold, whereby they either pay the lost item fees or return the items so that they can register for further classes and receive their final marks. If the outstanding items are returned to the Learning Commons, users will be removed from Financial Hold and will not need to pay the lost item fees. 

Interlibrary Loans

Notice: As of December 1, 2024, patron interlibrary loan requests will be limited to NWP faculty members until further notice. Students and staff members, please use the resources readily available to you in our Learning Commons or through our online resources. More information can be found on our Interlibrary Loan Changes page

Notice: Interlibrary loan requests for physical materials may experience delays due to the recent Canada Post strike.

You can check the status of your request here.
Call 780-539-2898 or email if you need assistance or if you have questions.

What is Interlibrary Loan?

  • Can't find the book in WorldCat Discovery or in the NEOS catalogue? Can't access the article in the databases?
  • Use ILL to request materials for FREE from libraries across Canada.

How do I make an ILL request?

When will my ILL requests arrive?

  • You can check the status of your current and past requests by logging into your Interlibrary Loan account.
  • You will be notified by email (NWP student email account) when your requests are available for pickup.
  • Journal articles can take up to 2 weeks to arrive. Print copy articles are yours to keep.
  • If you received a link to download the article, make sure you save it immediately. Links are live for 14 days or 5 downloads only. 
    NOTE: All Interlibrary Loan article download messages will come from the following address: Make sure that this address is not blocked or regarded as spam.
  • Book requests through interlibrary loan usually take a minimum of 2 weeks to arrive.
    • Check FIRST for the book in the NEOS library catalogue. If it is in the catalogue, use the button instead.