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Learning Commons

Interlibrary Loans

Notice: As of December 1, 2024, patron interlibrary loan requests will be limited to NWP faculty members and researchers until further notice. Students and staff members, please use the resources readily available to you in our Learning Commons or through our online resources.


General Information

Interlibrary loans are requests for materials not owned by NWP nor the NEOS consortium. Before placing an interlibrary loan request, please use our OneSearch to ensure we do not have access to that particular resource.


Patron Requests

  1. Find a resource (book, journal article, etc.) you are interested in borrowing that you do not have access to through NWP's OneSearch (linked above).
  2. Complete an interlibrary loan request form that includes all the information you know about the resource.
  3. Our staff members will review your request and contact you for additional information if necessary.
  4. We will request the resource from a library that owns it, and notify you when it arrives at NWP.
  5. Please note that we cannot guarantee delivery times for interlibrary loan materials.


Other Library Requests

After May 2025, we will accept requests through OCLC. Our Canadian Library Symbol is AGPC. Details for non-OCLC requests is TBD.


Fees for Other Library Requests