"The editorial mission [...] is to advance the knowledge about strength and conditioning through research [... and it] includes recommendations for the practical use of research findings. [...] This journal wishes to promote the publication of peer-reviewed manuscripts which add to our understanding of conditioning and sport through applied exercise science.'--Publisher.
"An open access journal publishing high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research focused on agriculture, food security, and the environment. The editors welcome research across the biosciences, agriculture, agronomy, microbiology, social sciences, and the environment."--publisher
"The SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University is an academic and public forum that integrates research, teaching, and practice to improve and expand powerful civic engagement and informed, inclusive dialogue as the cornerstone of robust global democracy. SNF Agora has developed this series of Case Studies on Democracy that show how civic and political actors navigated real-life challenges. Practitioners, teachers, organizational leaders, and trainers working with civic and political leaders, students, and trainees can use our case studies to deepen their skills, to develop insights about how to approach strategic choices and dilemmas, and to get to know each other better and work more effectively.
Unlike many case studies, ours do not focus on individual leaders or other decision-makers. Instead, the SNF Agora case studies are about choices that groups make collectively. Therefore, these cases work well as prompts for group discussions. The basic question in each case is: “What would we do?” After reading a case, your group may role-play the people who were actually involved in the situation, treating the discussion as a simulation, or you may speak as yourselves, discussing the strategies you would advocate for the group described in the case."--Publisher
“Grant Connect is a fundraising platform that connects charities with funders who share their cause. Find new prospects by searching comprehensive data managed by our expert research team.
With Grant Connect, you have access to:
Over 11,400 Canadian foundations, 500 corporate giving programs, 500 government grant programs, 80 American foundations, and 250 other kinds of grant opportunities.
Funder profiles that offer insights on specific grant programs, application prefernces, financial summaries, and key decision-makers, and more.
Data on billions of dollars in past donations, categorized by size, cause, population, and region.
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“The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a forum and knowledge hub for data, analysis and best practices in public policy. We work with over 100 countries across the world to build stronger, fairer and cleaner societies - helping to shape better policies for better lives.”--Publisher. All publications are open access.
“63,000+ people | 12,000+ portraits | 72 million words | 2,500 years of history The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford DNB) is the national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century."--Publisher
“Plumb’s is an essential point-of-care resource with all the information veterinary teams need to work up cases, choose treatments, and educate clients—all on one easy-to-use, continually updated platform.”