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Learning Commons

Prospective Students

We are excited that you are considering NWP for your post-secondary studies and we look forward to meeting you!

Students can register with Accessibility Services throughout the year. However, we recommend students contact us at least four months prior to commencing classes to allow adequate time to put appropriate supports in place.

High School vs. Post-Secondary Supports

It is important to remember that the laws that regulate accommodations at college and university are different than those for high school. Most post-secondary institutions require more specific and comprehensive documentation to show proof of a disability than is required in high school. Incoming students will not automatically receive the same accommodations at college or university that they received at high school. The post-secondary environment is one that emphasizes independent learning and will require you to develop your own voice and learn to navigate your academic journey accordingly. To discuss available accommodations, students should contact Accessibility Services to see how supports may differ.

Information for Parents & Guardians

Parents, caregivers, and family members play an important role in supporting student success. For some students with disabilities, this supportive role may be integral to their success.

Parents, guardians, and/or family members of students with disabilities sometimes wish to contact or meet with the Accessibility Advisor on a student’s behalf. Due to the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act, Accessibility Services staff are unable to discuss specific information contained within a student’s file with anyone other than the student, unless they have given specific, written, signed consent.

We are happy to provide general information about our services and discuss procedures for obtaining accommodations with parents, guardians, and/or family members. 

Eligibility Criteria for Supports 

Post-secondary students seeking academic accommodations, services, or disability funding are required to provide documentation from a qualified medical professional such as a physician, psychologist, audiologist, ophthalmologist, or other licensed specialist.

The documentation must clearly outline the impact the disability or condition has on the student in an academic setting. Accessibility Services will use this documentation, along with any other relevant medical information provided to determine appropriate academic accommodations. Students that are seeking to apply for funding will need to provide documentation with diagnosis information as per Alberta Student Aid requirements.