Valid photo identification is required at the time of testing.
Lockers are available for exam writing candidate use. Testing Centre staff will issue locker keys.
Pens/pencils/scrap paper is provided based on rules from exam provider/institution/school.
Exam writers are not allowed to use their laptops unless the exam issuing institution provides specific instructions.
The following items are not permitted in the testing centre labs:
The use of cell phones and similar electronic devices are not permitted at any time while writing a test.
No loitering or talking in the testing room. Please be respectful of other students while entering/exiting the room.
Cheating is strictly prohibited. If caught, the test will be stopped and the exam issuing institution or organization will be informed.
No unauthorized material including web browsers, web pages and search engines can be accessed during the exam.
Scrap paper used during a test will be collected by staff and discarded unless the institution or organization requests otherwise.
Walkthroughs are conducted to monitor test takers, tidy the testing area, and check the equipment and supplies.
Students are encouraged to use washroom facilities before exams begin.