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Learning Portal - Learning Online: Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity 

Academic integrity means upholding the values of your school with respect to the production of your academic work and the completion of quizzes, tests, and exams. Check out NWP's official policy below regarding student responsibilities.

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Top Tips 

✓ Read The Policy. Become familiar with your college's Academic Integrity policy. Not knowing the policy will not prevent you from facing disciplinary action.

✓ Know When To Work Alone. Make sure you know when it's okay to work in groups on an assignment and when you ought to work alone. Collaborating on a test, quiz, or assignment can get you into trouble if you are supposed to be working alone. 

✓ Start Fresh. Using work from an old class on a new assignment is almost always against the rules. Start fresh on each and every project with new ideas and up-to-date research.

✓ Cite Your Sources. When doing your research, keep a record of your information sources and learn to cite them accurately. Accidental plagiarism is still plagiarism.

Plagiarism and You 

Watch the video below (The Learning Portal and College Libraries Ontario, 2019) to learn more about plagiarism.


Other sources

For some examples of different types of plagiarism, check out TurnItIn's Plagiarism Spectrum.

Questions about citation styles? Check our guides here!


Unless otherwise stated, the material in this guide is from the Learning Portal created by College Libraries Ontario. Content has been adapted for the NWP Learning Commons in April 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0 International License.

All icons on these pages are from The Noun Project. See individual icons for creator attribution.