Transitional expressions can indicate the direction of your thought as you pass from one topic to another. They provide logical and coherent organization allowing the paper to flow from the first supporting point to the last. They also show that you are beginning a new idea or subtopic in your writing.
Like signposts, they inform your reader that one part or stage of the discussion has ended, and they also give a hint of what connection the next section of thought has with the just-completed section. In this way, a transition helps your reader follow the flow of your ideas and identify the relations between separate ideas. The following examples illustrate how a transition placed at the beginning of a new paragraph not only shows a step forward in the thought but also relates to the new material that preceded it.
Example 1: On the other hand, going out tonight would reduce my stress level, so I’d probably study better anyway.
The transition shows that the new paragraph is to present ideas that contrast with those the preceding paragraph or section of the essay.)
Example 2: Consequently, I may need to re-take the course.
The transition shows that the new paragraph is to explain a result of statements previously made.)
Example 3: In addition to retaking the course, I need to pay back my parents for the tuition.
Example 4: Finally, the best thing about me is that I love to spend time with my friends.
Example 5: Furthermore, my study time suffered from the amount of time I dedicated to socializing throughout the year.
Transitional words and phrases may also help you achieve sentence variety, whether you place them at the beginning of a sentence or after the subject of the sentence.
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Transition Words Chart (Bow Valley College, n.d.)
Time Transitionssoonnot long afterat lengthat lastfinallysome time agolaterafterwardspresentlyfrom this time onfrom time to timeafterbeforeuntilat presentall of a sudden |
immediatelyinstantlyat this instantsuddenlynowwithout delayin the first placeforthwithstraightawayquicklyat this pointa few minutes laterformerlyyesterdaylater in the daysince then |
whenwhenevernextasoncesinceoccasionallyhenceforwardthenmeanwhilethereuponin the meantimesometimesin a momentshortlywhereupon |
Additions & Conclusionsandmoreovertoonextin factlikewiseas a resultfurtheralsothereforeaccordinglyin other wordsfurthermorebesides |
equally importantmuch more interestingof even greater appealjust as surelyat the outsetas mentionedmore specificallyundoubtedlyindeed it is certainin truthlastover and aboveto concludefinally |
in the same waythen, tooconsequentlythusagainforin as much asso thathencefor this reasonunder these conditionsfirst/second/third/in addition toanother |
Contrast & Comparisonbuthoweveryetwhereason the contraryon the other handstillnotwithstandingin contrast tonevertheless |
ratheron the other handalthoughthoughasas ifas thoughin spite ofotherwisesimilarly |
eitherorneithernorquite as evidentequally importantmuch more interestingof even greater appealjust as surelylikewise |
Placefromwherebeyondoverin the middlearoundheretherenearin front ofin the distancefartherhere and thereabovebelowat the rightbeforebetweenin the foregroundon this sidebesidewhereveropposite |
Reason, Condition, Purpose, Resultinevitablyin as much asin order thatunder these conditionsas a resultbecausefor this purposein this waysincehenceifthusprovided thatso thatfor this reasonthereforegranted thaton that accountadmittedlynotwithstandingin caseunlessconsequently |
Emphasis & Repetitionforfor examplein particularfor instancein other wordsin factin the same waythat is to saycertainlyindeedundoubtedlyas mentionedmore specificallyof courseto be sureon that accountthusthereforenaturallyobviouslyemphaticallymost importantin truth |
This guide was created/compiled by Amanda Wills and last updated by Claire Pienaar in 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0 International License.