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Grammar and Punctuation: More Resources

More Resources

Grammar Checkers

While you should still always check your writing yourself, grammar check software is one tool that can help you catch errors in your writing. Here are some options:


A free downloadable grammar and style checking software. There is also a paid version.


An entirely online grammar/style checker and paraphrasing tool. You can copy paste your work into the box to check it!

Other Websites

Regardless of which citation style you use, the APA Style Blog's webpage on Grammar Tips has useful information for most forms of writing, including tips on active and passive voice, plural nouns, and verb tense. 


From University College Toronto.

Some examples and explanations of ways to properly use "however" in your own writing!

Online Quizzes


Writing and Grammar Tutor

If you are struggling with writing, formatting, or citing a written assignment, book an appointment with our Writing Support Specialist!

This guide was created/compiled by Amanda Wills and last updated by Claire Pienaar in 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0 International License.