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Writing Your Paper

Why Create an Outline? 

Creating an outline before you start writing your essay can help you organize your arguments in a logical way. Laying out your essay sections or paragraphs and listing all the information you will be including is also a good way to make sure you meet assignment criteria.  For research papers, using an outline can help you keep track of large amounts of information. 

Other Benefits:

  • Aids in the process of writing;

  • Allows you to show the relationships between ideas in your writing;

  • Constructs an ordered overview of your writing.

How to Create an Outline 



  • List all the ideas and/or specific examples that you want to include in your paper.

  • Group the related ideas together under common headings; these will form your body paragraphs. 

  • Ensure all your ideas flow together in a logical way. 


Additional Resources 

Five-Paragraph Essay Format 

Five Paragraph Essay Sample Outline. From English Current (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2021 from