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Writing Your Paper

Body Paragraphs 

Your body paragraphs will follow the structure laid out by your thesis statement and will only discuss examples that directly support your main idea. For example, if you are discussing pain management for children, you won't be talking about your experience in a nursing home.

Essential Elements:

  • topic sentence (what is this paragraph going to be about?)

  • introductions to quotes/paraphrased information (where is the information/evidence from?)

  • quotes/paraphrased information

  • justification and analysis of that information (why is this quote/paraphrase here? How does it support my thesis?)

  • either a wrap sentence to conclude the paragraph (what is the most important takeaway readers should have from this paragraph?) OR a transition sentence into the next paragraph (how do these ideas connect to or set up the next idea I will discuss?)

You will usually be expected to have multiple quotes or paraphrases in one paragraph. Always remember to introduce your information and justify its use to readers - don't leave them wondering why you used it! 

Check out this presentation by our former Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar about how to write a body paragraph. 

Examples of using the setup, quote/information, explanation/analysis structure from Claire's presentation 


According to a recent study, over half of Canadians prefer chocolate to vanilla (Source, 2017). Thus, the company's decision to remove chocolate ice cream from its menu must have been related to something other than consumer preference.​ 


Some researchers have called the study “inconsequential” and “worthless,” implying that the institution “simply needs to collect more data” (Sources, 2017). However, the majority of experts in the field still rely on this study and continue to implement practices based on its findings.

Topic Sentences 

Stay on track within each paragraph by giving it a topic sentence. This sentence is like a mini-thesis statement for the paragraph: it guides the reader and lets them (and you) know what your paragraph is about.

Several things to note:

  • Each topic sentence should correspond to a specific aspect of the thesis statement (such as the three supporting points, as shown in the example below).

  • Including keywords from your thesis statement in topic, sentences can be a great way to indicate their connections, as shown by the underlined parts of the examples below.

  • When applicable, the order of the paragraphs should be the same as the order of information/ideas/sub-points indicated by the thesis statement.

  • If you want, your topic sentences can also build on each other, use connecting words, or feature call-backs to the earlier topic sentences, so the ideas really feel like they're working together to create a solid argument.

Sample Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences for an Essay About Telehealth Services 


Thesis statement: Although providing health services online is a very recent development, the telehealth model is already showing huge benefits in terms of convenience, cost, and expanding access to health services across Canada. 


Topic sentence 1: Telehealth services make many aspects of healthcare more convenient for both patients and healthcare providers. 


Topic sentence 2: Another benefit of using telehealth is that it reduces the costs and increases the revenue of health services. 


Topic sentence 3: The most important benefit of a telehealth model, especially in a country like Canada, is its ability to expand the reach of health services to remote areas and other underserved communities.