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Writing Your Paper

Brainstorming Ideas 

Before you start writing your paper, it is helpful to brainstorm different ideas and concepts on your topic. Brainstorming can be done in many different ways, like creating a mind map, doing a SWOT analysis, or bouncing ideas off of your peers in a group setting. These techniques can help you critically think about your topic, make connections between your subpoints, and organize your thoughts.

Mind Maps 

To make a mind map, start by placing the main idea in the middle of the page. Then, work in all directions writing down keywords and images that represent the supporting ideas. The result is an organized structure composed of keywords, lines, arrows, circles, squares, etc. that show the relationships among ideas.


  • Forces you to recognize key ideas and think about their relationships.

  • Limits the number of notes you need to take.

  • Organizes the material you are learning and improves your recall of key components.


  • Words and Ideas that are closely associated are recalled together.

  • Images/things that stand out visually can be easier to recall than words. For instance, try enhancing the visual appeal of your mind map by using colour, different printing styles, shading and shapes.

Mind Map example graphic created by Teevin Fournier, 2023