NWP is a member of NEOS, which has operated a shared library catalogue for many years. However, the underlying technology isn’t well suited for online resources or remote staff access. As a result, NEOS member libraries started looking for alternate library service platforms to best serve their individual libraries, and we have selected OCLC’s platform through an RFQ process.
First, we will not have a single shared catalogue for NEOS any longer. Our patrons will still have access to the resources from those libraries, but will have to place an interlibrary loan request for them rather than a catalogue hold. Please note that the process will take a little more time, and that until our new system is in place, interlibrary loan requests will be limited to faculty and researchers.
Second, the software we use to manage our collections and patrons will change to OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services (WMS). This change will mostly affect our staff members, but it will also require patrons to update links to books in our catalogue. For assistance updating these links, please email library@nwpolytech.ca.
Finally, our OneSearch will change to use WorldCat Discovery. Patrons searching for journal articles, books, and videos through OneSearch will see a different user interface. Our A-Z Databases page will still provide a direct link to individual databases, and those individual database interfaces will not change as a result of our platform switch. Patrons will have to update links to articles in our databases. For assistance updating these links, please email library@nwpolytech.ca.
Now – Library services staff member are working on platform migration and being trained on the new system.
Soon – Patrons will be unable to place holds directly on resources from other NEOS libraries as they leave the shared catalogue.
Late April 2025 – Loans will be temporarily halted (approximately two weeks) during the changeover between systems.
Late May 2025 – New platform launch, loans resumed, training for patrons, staff, and students.