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Learning Portal - Writing : Create a Thesis Statement

Creating a Thesis Statement

In argumentative or persuasive writing, the thesis statement performs two tasks: it informs your reader of the topic you are writing about, and — more importantly in this kind of writing — it identifies your position on the topic. A thesis statement expresses an author's idea or conclusion based on the evidence they've gathered, and as such, the writer must expect and be ready for that opinion to be challenged.

Thesis Statements 

A thesis statement is usually one or two sentences that appear at the end of your introduction paragraph. Your thesis statement is a summary of the paper's main idea and should include your overall message (or argument) as well as your subpoints. 

A thesis statement: 

  • Tells the reader what the essay will be about and what point you will be making (be specific!).

  • Tells the reader how the essay is going to be structured and in what direction the argument is going.

  • Expresses a point that needs to be proven through discussion and examples (e.g., it can't be a simple statement of fact or an opinion that cannot be supported by evidence).

Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect what you have discussed in the paper. That's fine!


Check out this presentation by Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar (2021) about how to create a thesis statement. 


Examples of thesis statements from Claire's presentation: 

“Many college students believe Taco Bell is the best fast-food restaurant because it is inexpensive, offers delicious food, and is open 24 hours.” (Susan Inez,

“Although most American politicians support ongoing funding for the DEA, the war on drugs is a travesty of justice because sentencing laws are discriminatory, more prisons than colleges are built, and addiction is treated as a crime rather than a disease.” (Susan Inez,

“At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade businesses’ clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or eliminate pollution.​” (Purdue OWL)

“An academic paper requires organization, adequate research or attention to the subject matter, and expression in conventional English; however, without the author’s deep understanding of the topic, the essay falls flat.” (University of Manitoba) 



Some of the content of this section was modelled after a guide originally created by the Purdue Online Writing Lab and was adapted for the NWP Learning Commons in September 2020. 

Argument vs Opinion

Hearing that a thesis is your own idea but that you are not supposed to write your opinion can be confusing. What's the difference? Here are some ways you might think about the difference between an argument and an opinion:

Argument: For a claim to be an argument, it must take a stance and be supported by objective evidence. A good argument in an academic essay is usually impersonal, meaning that the claim does not rely on emotion to persuade readers, but instead provides evidence to support a stance.

Opinion: A claim is considered an opinion when it is primarily based on a person's subjective experience. Rather than rigorous analysis and scientific facts, an opinion is often based on one’s personal beliefs, emotions, and/or experiences. You might start with an opinion on a topic before you begin writing, but make sure that your stance is supported by research (you may have to re-consider your position if none of the research you find back ups your claim).


Argument vs Opinion: Summary Table
  Argument Opinion


Examples include: Stats, peer-reviewed studies, etc.


Examples include: Personal experience or beliefs, emotions

Tone Impersonal Personal
Bias Unbiased: strive to avoid assumptions based on one's particular experiences Biased: because personal experience is used as evidence, an opinion can fail to take other experiences into account

Top Tips 

✓ Remember what your argument is. A handy way to construct a thesis statement —but not to write one —is to use a formula like “I want to persuade you that…”

✓ Use the "Why?" Test: If what you say does not make your reader or listener want to ask "Why do you think that?" then you are probably stating a fact.

✓ Make sure that you answer the "Why?" question. You should know why you believe your argument is strong, and be able to express that to your reader.

✓ Have the research to support your thesis. Remember, a thesis statement that you cannot support will fall like a stone. You need strong supporting points to stop it from falling.

Study Tools

Use this handout to help think about how you can make your thesis statement stronger.

Explore this webpage to find information and tips about researching

From the Chicago Manual of Style website, these tips sheets offer quick, easy to read advice for writing essays, from research to thesis statements to editing.


How to Look for and Interpret Literary Devices 

Check out this video by Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar (2021) to learn more about literary devices. 

Tips for Reading Journal Articles

Feel overwhelmed reading journal articles while you research? Check out this video by Writing Support Specialist Teevin Fournier (2023) for some tips to make that process less overwhelming.


Unless otherwise stated, the material in this guide is from the Learning Portal created by College Libraries Ontario. Content has been adapted for the NWP Learning Commons in June 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0 International License.

All icons on these pages are from The Noun Project. See individual icons for creator attribution.