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Learning Portal NWP: Research


Academic Bootcamp - Research Modules 

Check out our research modules on creating research questions, using Boolean operators, and searching online using NWP WorldCAT Discovery and our databases. If you need help with your research, you can schedule an appointment with a librarian here

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Top Tips 

✓ Be flexible! Remember to try different combinations of keywords and synonyms to get the results you need. 

✓ Change it up. You can always adjust your research question if you are having trouble finding results.

✓ Be patient. Research is a process that takes time - be sure to give yourself enough time to go through sources.

✓ Search multiple places. Searching in different databases is one way to find more results.

✓ Don't hesitate to ask for help! If you get stuck, reach out to a librarian or your instructor for some additional assistance.


Research Questions 

This module covers how to create researchable research questions. 

Search Strings 

Check out this module to learn how to create search strings with search operators and keywords. 

Looking for Academic Resources

This module goes over how to search for academic resources.

Using or Adapting this Guide 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.