APA Publication Manual 7th Edition grounds its recommendations for citing legal documents on American Legal styles such as the Bluebook. Given that Canadian and American legal systems are different, the following guidelines for citing legal documents such as court cases, Acts, Bills, and Charters in APA style are based off those presented by Camosun College which are themselves based off The McGill Guide (the guide for Canadian legal citations).
Note on Titles and Italics
**Discuss with your instructor what their preference for titles are
(Name v. Name, year)
Name v. Name, year Court Case Number. www.websiteName.ca
Canada Post Corp. v. Lépine, 2009 SCC 16. https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2009/2009scc16/2009scc16.html
Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).
Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Canada (Justice), 131 D.L.R (4th) 486 (BCSC 1996).
(Title of Act, year)
Title, version chapter (year). www.websiteName.ca
Health Professions Act, R.S.A. (2000). https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/documents/acts/h07.pdf
Indian Act, R.S.C., c.1-5 (1985). https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/I-5.pdf
(Bill#, year)
Bill#, Title of Bill, session, legislature, jurisdiction, year, paragraph/clause/etc. (additional information). www.websiteName.ca
C-38, Act to amend the Indian Act (new registration entitlements), 1st Sess, 44th Parl, 2022 (first reading 14, December 2022). https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-38/first-reading
C-51, Anti-terrorism Act, 2nd Sess, 41 Parl, 2015, cl 5(1)(assented to 18, June 2015) SC 2015, c. 20. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/annualstatutes/2015_20/FullText.html#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20this%20Act,undermine%20the%20security%20of%20Canada.
Only in-text citations are required for charters. For example, if we cited the United Nations Charter:
U.N. Charter article. #, para. #
... (U.N. Charter art. 4, para. 2).
Article 4, paragraph 2 of the United Nations Charter states that....
[Note: more on charters can be found on page 368 of the APA 7th edition manual.]
These guidelines were largely influenced by the Camosun College APA legal citations guide as well as the Camosun McGill style guide