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APA 7th Edition Citation Guide

APA Videos

APA 7 General Overview

Check out the video below from Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar (2021) which provides an introduction to APA 7 formatting and citations.

Five Common APA Citation Errors

Check out the video below from Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar (2022) about five common APA citation errors and how to avoid or fix them.

Five Common APA Formatting Errors

Check out the video below from Writing Support Specialist Claire Pienaar (2022) about five common APA formatting errors and how to avoid or fix them.

APA for Nursing Students

This video was created specifically for nursing students who are using APA. The video highlights some of the reasons that APA is important and useful for nurses, as well as walks through how to cite some key nursing resources.

APA Videos from Other Sources

Check out the three videos below for more instruction and guidance on APA 7:

Video 1: APA Style Videos by Sam. (2020, January 20). APA style 7th edition: Student paper formatting. YouTube. 

This video shows the basics of APA 7 formatting on a PC.

Video 2: Smart Student. (2020, May 11). How to format your paper in APA style in 2022. YouTube.

This video shows the basics of APA formatting and grammar on a Mac.

Video 3: CSUDH Library. (2019, October 29). Introduction to citation styles: APA 7th ed. YouTube.

This video covers the essentials of both in-text and reference list citations.