Whether working alone or as a team, this module provides information and tools to aid faculty in authoring new and adapted OER for teaching and learning.
OER Design Tips
Consider this list of design tips to create sharable, reusable OER - and get help from the Learning Commons along the way!
Additional Information:
Why Create OER?
Assures you can customize content to your specifications
Extends your academic profile
Provides more relevant and engaging materials for students
Reduces costs for students
Text a derivative of BCOER Poster, by BCcampus, licensed under CC BY 4.0
Examples of OER Creation
Note: For more information on choosing an open licence for the material you create, see the Licensing Module in this toolkit, or contact the Learning Commons for help.
OER Authoring Guides
BC Campus Self-Publishing Guide
A reference for writing and self-publishing an open textbook.
Ryerson University Textbook Authoring Guide
A guide to authoring & adapting open textbooks.
Open Textbook Sprint - Checklist
Review the key steps and considerations in setting up a face-to-face “sprint” with peers to collaboratively author open textbooks.
How to Collaboratively Develop Open-Source Textbooks
Learn how to recruit and work with volunteers to create open textbooks (from South Africa's Free High School Science Texts project).
Accessibility Checklist
As educators bound by the Alberta Human Rights Commission and the Duty to Accommodate, we have ethical obligations to ensure that courses are fully accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities.
Unless carefully chosen with accessibility in mind, instructional resources can erect barriers that make learning difficult or impossible. Use the materials below to ensure that the resources you create are accessible to all learners.
Accessibility Toolkit
BC Open Textbook Accessibility Toolkit
Provides resources to support content creators, instructional designers, educators, and librarians in creating open and accessible textbooks.
Authoring and Hosting Tools
Some OER authoring tools are free, and others require payment. Also, be aware that some tools require users to actively change their sharing settings to make resources public, or may only allow sharing with other registered users and not the wider public.
Free Tools
Pressbooks (Ontario) - opens in a new window
eCampusOntario has partnered with Pressbooks to offer free access to a Pressbooks EDU account for anyone currently affiliated with one of our member institutions. Pressbooks is an online formatting and publishing system that makes it easy to create professional, well-formatted print and digital resources.
Access templates for creating tailored websites with a variety of designs, including e-portfolio structures, lesson plans, online courses, and others.
Bring in and adapt your own resources, as well as resources from its affiliated OER Commons library, to create new or remixed OER.
Adapt, remix, and localize OpenStax textbooks.
Develop open textbooks with a collaborative community of creators and authors.
Access wiki-based adaptable open textbooks and create new wiki textbooks.
Add TED videos to a lesson builder template, and supplement the video with questions and additional content.
Paid Tools
Publish open textbooks in multiple formats in this content management system that uses WordPress.
Use the SoftChalk desktop platform to create your OER, and choose to make it open and public in the SoftChalk Repository (free trial available).
The OER Toolkit was a developed by Colleges Libraries Ontario (CLO) and the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS) in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME).