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Evaluating News Sources

Learn how to critically read and evaluate news sources. Discover some tips and tricks for identifying "Fake News", propaganda, and bad information.

Data Literacy

Becoming an astute user of news content in the media means learning to understand the proper use of data and statistics in the news.

Watch this TED Talk about how to spot bad or incorrect uses of statistics. This will help you to critically read news sources that use statistics pulled from other articles or studies:

Chalabi, M. (2017, February). 3 ways to spot a bad statistic [Video]. TED Conferences. 

Read this brief article, written for journalists, to increase your general media literacy. Learn to spot the misuse of numbers in news sources:

Kayser-Brill, N. (2012). Become data literate in 3 simple steps. In J. Gray, L. Bounegru, & L. Chambers (Eds.), The Data Journalism Handbook. European Journalism Centre.