Welcome to NWP!
Best wishes as you start your semester journey! The first week can be filled with both excitement and uncertainty.
There are many people here at the Polytechnic who want to support your success, answer your questions, and alleviate your fears. We are here to help you start right and to stay strong!
Take time this first week to settle into your classes, to meet your instructors and classmates, to collect your texts and supplies, and to prepare for the rest the semester. Keep following this blog for more suggestions on starting right and staying strong all semester long!
You can also book time with me, your Academic Strategist, for personalized assistance getting set up, and to give me a visit, as I love meeting all of you! https://libcal.nwpolytech.ca/appointments/academicstrategy
Check out our fresh LibGuide on Getting Started at NWP for more information! https://libguides.nwpolytech.ca/gettingstarted
Just because it is hard does not mean it is Impossible. ~Tara~

The Semester Journey Image Description:
Month 1: Get organized and started
Create a time management plan
Do the assigned readings and begin course work
Develop study tools and notes (e.g., flash cards)
Month 2: Check in on progress and get help as needed
Avoid procrastinating
Complete assignments
Study for midterms
Month 3: The end of the semester is approaching! Keep going!
Manage your stress
Maintain motivation
Keep up with revision and review
Focus on final projects (e.g., presentations, term papers)
Month 4: Final push!
Submit final projects and assignments (on time!)
Prepare for and write exams
Make sure you get adequate food and sleep!